Assessment Staff

Alaska law allows parents and legal guardians to opt their children out of state and federal assessments and/or surveys, including the AK STAR. The following steps should take place when parents/guardians select to opt their child(ren) out of an assessment/survey:
- Contact the local school and inform the Principal or the Building Test Coordinator if choosing to opt out of an assessment or survey.
- Complete the Opt Out form provided by the school. This form will constitute written request to opt out.
- Share concerns about the assessment or other related considerations for opting out.
Students who opt out will be allowed to return to school once the testing is completed for the day or the testing window is closed. They will not be asked to participate in any make-up assessments.
There is no blanket opt out option for testing. Parents/Guardians must complete a Assessment Opt Out Form for each assessment.
Parents/Guardians can opt out of testing it two ways;
Option #1 Parent/Guardian calls the school and requests to speak to the Building Test Coordinator (BTC). The BTC and parent/guardian complete the Opt Out form together.
Option #2 Parent/Guardian goes to the school and asks to complete an Opt Out form. The BTC will provide access to the Opt Out form for the parent/guardian to complete.